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Promoting Local Talents:

Since my high school years, I've been involved in promoting local talents around my village and the places I live in. I've worked with youths in cultural groups, relatives and surrounding villagers to promote our culture digitally. Some of the people I've followed over the years are inspiring elders whom I have come across. Below are few I've shared their stories on my blog.
Graphic Designer with the left-foot: Supporting Cornelius explore his creativity despite barriers. A showcase of Cornelius' website and his works; all done by himself with little help from his dad.- 2017
Local Snake Charmer: Patrom Saku is known by many as the snakeman of PNG. Here is an unbelievable man who interestingly, influenced his entire family to live with snakes. Here a short story about one of my visit to his home, few hours walk from my village.
Coconut Products: I've heard of an old man at home who silently does remarkable products out of coconut oil so one day I decided to call him home for a chat and gave him some finance to encouage him start his business. Here, I wrote about my involvement in designing his packages and making his products look professional.
Manual to Digital: I've seen this promising elderly father and friend, doing his business at the streets of Port Moresby and decided to talk to him. I proposed to him to help him optimize his sales making it look a little professional. I helped him design his logo, and did a set of stationeries for him. He was able to sell his packaged products in City Pharmacy shops with barcodes on.

Last Updated: 06th June 2022

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